Posts in The Past's Future
Orlando City Hall Fountain

Our team was challenged with determining the types of materials that would last decades while also creating a feature that showcased the artistry of rainbows, simulated clouds, flashes of lightning, and fun rain droplets and spray. Another challenge was overcoming the adjacent, problematic noise of cars and trucks just a few feet away on Orange Avenue.

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The Past's FutureEmily Arias
Landscape Design of Disney’s Animal Kingdom Lodge

Combining the Art of African Craftsman with wild game viewing, storytelling around the campfire, and the simplicity of a tented camp, the Animal Kingdom Lodge was designed to evoke the profound adventure of the epic of life… dawn, dusk, the edge of light, an elegant journey, to the pristine wilderness, ancient civilizations and vast landscapes.

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The Past's FutureEmily Arias
Contextualization and the Landscape

Every place has a story, whether latent or apparent. Sometimes that story is revealed through the landscape, while others are subtle, only seen and understood by the most discerning eyes. But often times, the story that we’re seeing and experiencing is only conveyed from one viewpoint. In a way, we’re understanding a place through one lens, unable to fully know the broader impacts, characters, and events of that story.

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The Past's FutureEmily Arias